Whats 5 Inches Long Red and Makes My Gf Cry When I Feed It to Her

It might take a lot to think of something on your own that is so sweet and endearing it brings a tear to her eye. However, with our help it will certainly be no problem at all! We have all of the most romantic, sweetest, beautiful and perfect things for you to say to your girlfriend anytime and anywhere. We guarantee these to make her heart swell up two sizes and if tears aren't stinging her eyes… Well, she might just be heartless!  Check out the following 25 sweet things to say to your girlfriend to make her cry.

Things to Say to Your Girlfriend to Make Her Cry

You love your girlfriend, so you want to do everything possible to make her happy. More importantly, you want her to fall as deeply in love with you as you are with her. These things to say to your girlfriend to make her cry will leave her feeling adored and cherished. Sending your girlfriend cute, sweet text messages like this is one of the best ways to show that you are thinking about her.

You can send these messages in the morning when she wakes up so that she is thinking about you for the entire day. They are also a great option for before bedtime so that you are the last thought on her mind as she falls asleep. With any luck, she will fall asleep and dream about being next to you.

1. When I close my eyes I see your face inside my eyelids. When I open my eyes I find myself missing you more than ever.

2. Every time that I see your face I turn into a giant puddle of mush. The things that you seem to do to me. No one else could have that effect on me the way that you do.

3. You are the most beautiful girl. And not just when it comes to your looks. Your personality is beautiful. Your humor is beautiful. Your voice is beautiful. The way that you smile is beautiful. Talking to you is beautiful. Doing anything and everything with you is beautiful. Not every moment in life is beautiful, but every moment spent with you is.

4. You came into my life and changed it for the better. I don't think there will ever be enough words to say just how much I appreciate you and everything that you have done for me. I can't imagine where in life I would be if you hadn't showed up to save me.

5. You want the truth? I could talk about you all day and all night and still have millions of beautiful things to say about you. But saying too much could get boring really quickly. So I'll just say that I think you are the most wonderful woman on this planet and I'm blessed that you are my girlfriend.

6. I am thankful you are mine. I would walk to the ends of the Earth just to make you mine all over again if I had to. There is nothing that could stop us from being together, because in my heart I know we are meant to be.

7. There is no doubt that I don't have everything in life that I want, but all that truly matters is that I have you.

8. When I am by myself I think of so many things that I could say to you. However, when I finally see you I can't say anything because you make me speechless.

9. Just one smile from you drives me crazy. Your touch is the most amazing thing I have ever felt. Your scent is the most amazing of smells. Your eyes are the most amazing thing I can look at. I see you in everything that I look at. Because you are all I want to ever see.

10. I know that there are other people in the world, but I can't picture myself being with anyone other than you. I only want you. Even on your worst days, even when you feel like you messed up and even if we don't always see eye to eye. Even after all of that I still want just you.

11. Just being near you takes the breath right out of my body. There are so many things that I want to say to you, but when I see you I lose my voice. I only hope that my eyes can say what my words cannot. That I love you to the moon and back.

12. The most beautiful sound in the world is your laugh. It chimes through the air like a beautiful instrument. I could use it to sing many lullabies. It is the most beautiful sound in the world.

13. You are the kind of girl who is always smiling and laughing no matter what is going on around you. You pick people up when they are feeling so down. You are always there to lift up the spirits of the people around you. You are a girl who is afraid of love, but deserving of it more than anyone.

14. I feel like I was the luckiest person alive to be blessed with such an amazing girlfriend. I don't think that I have ever told you this before, but you are going to be a great wife someday. My wife. That is a promise.

15. Has anyone ever told you that you are perfect? Well, they should have. You should have been told that you are perfect every minute of everyday forever.

16. My love for you has done nothing but grow and grow. And I think that the only time that this love inside me for you will stop growing… Is the day I am laid to rest. But then I shall keep loving you in the afterlife.I won't even skip a beat.

17. The fire inside me is a passion that I have for you. The passion is a passion that ignites a happiness that seems everlasting. As long as you are by my side I shall always have it.

18. Life without you is like having a broken pencil. So pointless. It would be like having a ship without a sail. Or peanut butter without jelly. Without you in my life I would be incomplete in every way imaginable.

19. When you are not with me my blood runs cold. The nights grow long without you by my side. I toss and turn with an emptiness growing inside of me. I only feel comfort when you come again to stay.

20. I just want to take a minute to let you know how thankful I am for you in life. You have been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Everything you have done for me and everything you will do for me is appreciated. More than words can say. So I'll just simply say: Thank you.

21. Whoever would have guessed that I would fall in love with my best friend? You can't me by surprise. But it was the best thing that has caught me off guard in my entire life.

22. I want to love you until I can't anymore. I want to hold your hand every chance that I get. I want to be by your side through thick and thin. I want to laugh at each one of your jokes. I want to stare into your eyes every moment I get. And I want to kiss your lips whenever they are free. I want you and nothing else.

23. You must be an angel that was sent down from Heaven to look after me. You are the perfect person for me. I don't know what i would do without you in my life to guide me, love me and support me.

24. The sun does not seem to shine when you are away from me. The moon doesn't come out to play either. Everything dies when you are not by myself. But everything comes alive the moment I see your beautiful smile next to me again.

25. You are not the average girl. No, you are extraordinary. You are something more perfect than I could ever find the words to describe. How did I ever get so lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend like you?

Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend to Make Her Cry

If you need sweet things to say to your girlfriend to make her cry, the following ideas will work wonders. You can always modify these different texts and messaging ideas so that they match your exact relationship and your girlfriend's personality. With texting options like these, you can be certain that your girlfriend will feel loved and appreciated by you.

1. I hope that you will find someone who brings you happiness and everything you want out of life. More importantly, I hope that that person will always be me. I wish that I could wake up and fall asleep thinking about you each and every day.

2. Whenever I am with you, I keep having to pinch myself to see if I am truly awake. Each moment with you feels like a dream that I never want to wake up from.

3. As soon as we started dating, it was like my entire future disappeared overnight. Now, the only plan I have for the future is having you in my life. I just want to stay with you forever.

4. Whenever I have a difficult day ahead of me, the only thought that manages to get me through is thinking about lying with you when I come home at night. You are my everything.

5. As soon as we say good-bye, I immediately start counting down the minutes until we can be together again. The only thing that brightens our good-byes is the thought of getting to say hello again.

Romantic Things to Say to Your Girlfriend to Make Her Cry

These romantic things to say to your girlfriend to make her cry are one way to show how much you care. By giving her one of these messages, you show that you love her and are thinking about her constantly.

1. I promise that time and distance will never come between us. No matter how far apart we are, my love can travel light years in a split second just to be with you in spirit again. You are always here in my heart, and thoughts of you constantly fill my mind. I never thought that I could ever fall in love like this, and you have become the sunshine that lights up my soul.

2. I know that it is impossible for me to give you the world, but I can give you my heart. I promise that I will hold you close forever and always do my best to make you happy. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.

3. Your love has opened my eyes to a new world full of wonder and amazement. Because of you, I look forward to waking up every moment because I might get to see you and hold you close during the day.

4. The day I met you was the day my life truly began. Now, my memories of the past seem so dark and lifeless because you weren't in them. I just hope that you will continue lighting up my life forever.

5. Your smile is so beautiful that it could light up the world and give hope to the hopeless. I find myself looking up jokes or remembering funny things during the day just so that I can see you smile at me again. Keep smiling, beautiful.


Source: https://www.everydayknow.com/things-to-say-to-make-your-girlfriend-cry/

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